Unicode-Ascii Coversion
Bengt Kleberg
Mon Jan 30 14:23:37 CET 2006
On 2006-01-30 12:50, Surindar Sivanesan wrote:
> For eg the Unicode list will be like this [78,0,49,0,50,0] where the
> original content is "N12" in Ascii we get the same as [78,49,50].
out of curiosity: what are you receiving?
since one well established unicode-over-network-encoding (utf-8) has a
one-to-one mapping for ascii<->utf8 i assume that you are not getting utf-8.
some machine-specific unicode systems (java) use 2 octets for one
unicode char. if your origininating computer is lsb (intel) then 78 for
''N'' would become [78,0].
am i correct?
why does whoever-it-is-that-is-sending-to-you send machine specific
unicode instead of utf-8?
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