Vacancy at T-Mobile

Serge Aleynikov serge@REDACTED
Sat Jan 28 16:07:14 CET 2006

I wonder why the number of annual downloads at keeps 
growing stadily (being around 30,000), yet we find only a few postings 
mentioned in this thread.


Francesco Cesarini (Erlang Training & Consulting) wrote:
> It looks like there is only one job which is partially Erlang based, 
> where the company is using Yaws. All others ask for it as a desirable 
> skill. It is a way of finding people with a genuine curiosity in 
> Computer Science.. Not necessarily a perquisite to manage the job, 
> however (An excellent strategy, IMO). All other job posts seem to be in 
> regards to the Erlang Formula :-(
> We recently did a search over all CVs registered on one of the major job 
> sites in the last 6 months here in the UK.. I think they were about 
> 150,000 in total. We were over the moon when we got 150 results. But 
> after weeding through people who had worked in Erlang House, people 
> living on Erlang street, people who had worked with the Erlang-B and 
> Erlang-C formulas, and the odd descendant of Agner Krarup Erlang, we 
> were down to 6 valid CVs, of which 4 people we already knew had been 
> looking for Erlang work int he last 6 months, and 2 people were new to us!
> Francesco
> Ulf Wiger (AL/EAB) wrote:
>> BTW, I came across this job site:
>> C%22&start=10
>> The above search lists 30 job ads that cite Erlang as
>> a desirable skill, all of them in the U.S. (mostly CA,
>> but also IL, TX, MA, OH, NY), and all of them fairly new.
>> Regards,
>> Uffe
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED 
>>> [mailto:owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED] On Behalf Of chandru
>>> Sent: den 27 januari 2006 10:21
>>> To: Erlang Questions
>>> Subject: Vacancy at T-Mobile
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> There is a vacancy in T-Mobile UK. Check it out if you are interested.
>>> XTERNAL/pck317-42649.htm
>>> cheers,
>>> Chandru

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