Unicode in file names

Dmitrii Dimandt dmitriid@REDACTED
Fri Jan 27 10:01:12 CET 2006

I needed to recursively scan specified folders on my computer (mainly
for some CD catalogs). Together with some nice folks over at RSDN
(Russian Software Developers Network, see links below) we've arrived
at several implementations for this task. Well, it is trivial,

However, filelib functions all fail miserably when they arrive at
Unicode file names. I happen to have files with names that contain
Japanese, Turkish, Russian characters - you name them :)

Is there a way for Erlang to pick those names?

I'm running Erlang on a WinXP.

Thank you!

[1] RSDN - http://www.rsdn.ru/
[2] My original implementation -
[2a] Bug fixed - http://rsdn.ru/forum/Message.aspx?mid=1608489&only=1
[3] Second implementation. Uses list comprehensions -
However, it fails on some directory structures
[4] Third implementation. Also uses list comprehensions.
[4a] Bug fixed - http://rsdn.ru/forum/Message.aspx?mid=1609504&only=1
[5] The shortest of them all -

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