apache and yaws

Samuel Montgomery-Blinn sam@REDACTED
Wed Jan 25 18:06:24 CET 2006

Joe Armstrong (AL/EAB) wrote:

>What we currently don't have is an "enterprise yaws" (ie one that will
>let multiple
>users use the same yaws in a safe manner so that they can't crash each
>other's applications)
>nor do we have a decent template language, nor do we have Ajax things
>All of these are being worked on, and prototype solutions for safe
>Erlang code within Erlang
>and for various template languages are "in progress".
>Hopefully these will be in releasable shape fairly soon.
>Right now I'm finalising some wiki and template modules to add to yaws
>and trying to move the entire Erlang documentation system into a 
>wiki + yaws + blog + forums engine.


I was interested in a good template language for Yaws and just recently 
asked for and received a beta Erlang "STL" implementation with tie-in to 
Yaws from Vladimir Sekissov (on CC), mentioned here:


Assuming you might be interested and that he wouldn't mind, I have 
included his note to me. My apologies if Vladimir was not ready to share 
this unfinished work with the world, but as he has had to move onto 
other things:

Vladimir Sekissov wrote:

>sam> That is interesting, as one of my colleagues has also moved to UCW for 
>sam> web interfaces. I would love to take a look at what you have, because 
>sam> simply using Yaws itself becomes cumbersome.
>sam> Thank you for the kind reply,
>The code in the attachment.
>* edit the top of Makefile
>* compile
>* go to wstldemo/bin
>./wstldemorc.sh start -i -d
>* point your browser to http://localhost:8000/wstldemo/
>Some explanation of components protocol is at comments in
>If you are interesting only in STL integration with Yaws look at
>wst/wstl/src/stl_yaws.erl. It understand in templates not only STL but
>Yaws ehtml syntax too or mix from both:
>{ehtml, [{tr, [], [{td, [{colspan, ChLen}], Buttons}]}]}
>It is also valid to include ehtml dynamically in template as value of
>You can also send parameters to included templates:
>stl_yaws:include(screen, StlServ, "lib/wsform", [{'ExpOut', ExpOut1}, ...])
>wst/wsite - is the application I wrote wstl for but it wouldn't work
>because I left code in the middle of rewriting to new configuration
>and authorization interfaces. It needs near a week to finish the work
>but I haven't needs in this application more.
>If you'll have some questions feel free to ask me.
>Best Regards,
>Vladimir Sekissov

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