Problem with creating a new row in SNMP table

Rachwal Waldemar-AWR001 Waldemar.Rachwal@REDACTED
Fri Jan 13 12:22:54 CET 2006

Okay, found it. The row was incomplete and agent couldn't fill up it as
missing variables were devoided of DEFVAL in the MIB, so the problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rachwal Waldemar-AWR001 
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:53 PM
To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
Subject: Problem with creating a new row in SNMP table

I have stuck at the attempt of creating a new row in my SNMP table.
I'm giving 'inconsistentValue' on column (in the MIB : btsRowStatus = {
btsEntry 114 }) which is of the RowStatus type.

This is the first message I send to the agent, so the table should be
The value of btsRowStatus in SET-REQUEST is 4 which is createAndGo.
The first and the last two varbinds in the PDU are simple variables (not
table columns),
but it should not matter, I assume (these vars are additional
correlation tags and journal number required by the application).

ACCESS rights of all of the columns, including btsRowStatus, are "cr-"
create-read, so they should be okay?

The agent chokes while applying table_func with 'is_set_ok':

   apply: snmp_generic,table_func,[is_set_ok,
                                    {114,4},  <--- btsRowStatus,
createAndGo(4), 3rd varbind

... and the log after "apply:"

** SNMP A-SYMBOLIC-STORE LOG: table info: btsTable
** SNMP A-LOCAL-DB LOG: table btsTable get element: 
   Indexes: [466944,0,1]
   Col:     1
** SNMP A-SYMBOLIC-STORE LOG: table info: btsTable
** SNMP MASTER-AGENT-worker(<0.67.0>) SETLIB LOG: 
   returned: {inconsistentValue,114}
** SNMP A-NET-IF LOG: reply pdu: 
** SNMP A-LOCAL-DB LOG: variable get: snmpEngineMaxMessageSize
** SNMP A-NET-IF INFO: time in agent: 261035 mysec


The full logs, from agent/erlang and manager/perl are attached to this
If MIBs are required to look at I can send them after some slimming as
they are proprietary stuff :(

Could anybody help? I have no idea what to do next :(

BTW, I'm also curious what is the best way to tackle such sort of
(a big land of unknown code but you're determined to utilize it)
Debugging, tracing? I read about, but have never used.


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