Lazy recursive list comprehensions
Joel Reymont
Fri Jan 13 12:21:19 CET 2006
The following works thanks to Vlad and matches the Prolog version at almost word for word.
This is very encouraging to me!
The code builds a search space of 108 items in a list but the same
approach to a different problem could produce a search space that is
much larger. Is there a way to redesign the code to use "lazy list
comprehensions" while keeping the elegance?
Thanks, Joel
P.S. The working code:
time(buzz) -> 5;
time(woody) -> 10;
time(rex) -> 20;
time(hamm) -> 25.
toys() -> [buzz, hamm, rex, woody].
cost([]) -> 0;
cost([H|T]) -> max(cost(H), cost(T));
cost(X) -> time(X).
when is_list(L) ->
[{[X, Y], L -- [X, Y]} || X <- L, Y <- L, X < Y].
%%% Generate new state, move and cost of that move
move({st, l, L1})
when is_list(L1) ->
[{{st, r, L2}, {r, M}, cost(M)} || {M, L2} <- split(L1)];
move({st, r, L1})
when is_list(L1) ->
T = toys(),
R = T -- L1, % these guys are on the left
[{{st, l, lists:umerge([X], L1)}, {l, X}, cost(X)} || X <- R];
move(X) ->
erlang:error(invalid_move, X).
trans({st, r, []}) ->
[{[], 0}];
trans(S) ->
[{[M1] ++ M2, C1 + C2} || {S1, M1, C1} <- move(S), {M2, C2} <-
cross(D) ->
T = toys(),
[M || {M, D0} <- trans({st, l, T}), D0 =< D].
solution() -> cross(60).
max(A, B)
when is_number(A),
is_number(B) ->
A > B ->
true ->
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