Storing pids
Joel Reymont
Thu Jan 5 14:12:08 CET 2006
md5 would probably be too slow.
The simplest solution that I found was to just store the pid.
The issue is that once I try to create a pid using list_to_pid it
won't let me if the original node is down or otherwise. I'll try
storing a tuple of 3 numbers (using Matt's approach) since I don't
normally need to inspect the processes. If I do and the node is still
up I'll surely have no problems with list_to_pid and the 3 numbers
that I stored.
On Jan 5, 2006, at 1:00 PM, Ulf Wiger ((AL/EAB)) wrote:
> md5 would be more likely to give a unique value,
> but then I would much prefer Mats's solution.
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