Storing pids

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Wed Jan 4 19:53:22 CET 2006


I'm logging trace messages to a disk_log and storing the process id.  
I'm trying to process the disk log once the original process/VM has  
quit and to find certain pids.

I'm giving the disk_log analysis app an argument like 4234.34.0 and  
try to convert it from atom to list and then to pid. The conversion  
fails periodically and I'm trying to think of a better approach to this.

I can think of converting the pid to list and storing that in the  
disk log instead of the pid. Is there a way to get the 3 components  
of the pid in Erlang with some BIF? Then I could store them as numbers.

Any other suggestions?

	Thanks, Joel


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