ODBC application error

Laura M. Castro laura@REDACTED
Wed Sep 28 16:46:34 CEST 2005

  Hello Ingela,

> Without investigating this further I would just like to clarify one
> thing. The Erlang odbc application is not a driver it is an Erlang
> interface to communicate with relational SQL-databases. It is built on
> top of Microsofts ODBC interface and therefore requires that you have
> an ODBC driver to the database that you want to connect to.

    I understand that, and of course we do have an underlying ODBC
driver. We use unixodbc debian package, to be precise, which also
provides the isql tool we used to test that the driver works perfectly.

>>5> odbc:sql_query(C, "delete from cosa where c1=2", infinity).
>>{error,"No SQL-driver information available."}
> This query is sent directly to your odbc-driver without alterations.
> The driver returns an error which is reflected in erlang by 
> {error,"No SQL-driver information available."}
> and unfortunately there is no information available in the driver
> to help us understand why it failed.

    Of course it is not my intention to call into question your words,
but if that is the case, I just can not understand why using the isql
tool the DELETE statement performs correctly and returns just
"SQLRowCount returns 0", as it does after a simply empty-result SQL
SELECT statement, but fails using Erlang ODBC application...


	Laura Castro

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