Segmentation fault on Linux

Edmund Dengler edmundd@REDACTED
Mon Sep 26 23:27:56 CEST 2005


On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, Mikael Pettersson wrote:

> Post a decent bug report. From the above I can't tell which
> CPU architecture or glibc version you're using, or where the
> segfaults occur.
> R10B-7 with HiPE works fine here on FC4 (x86 and amd64),
> FC3 (x86 and amd64), FC2 (x86), and YDL4 (ppc32), in addition
> to Solaris and OSX. Since R10B-5 works on your Gentoo system,
> and there aren't any substantial HiPE-related runtime system
> changes between R10B-5 and R10B-{6,7}, I'm inclined to believe
> that this is a Gentoo issue. (I'm also pretty sure it works on
> Debian though I can't say which release.)

Processor, O/S:

# uname -a
Linux tycho 2.6.8-gentoo-r3 #1 Fri Oct 29 20:02:11 UTC 2004 i686 Intel(R)
Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

(x86 architecture, <configure> compiles claim 686 as the architecture of


# emerge --search glibc
[ Results for search key : glibc ]
[ Applications found : 1 ]

*  sys-libs/glibc
      Latest version available:
      Latest version installed:
      Size of downloaded files: 15,381 kB
      Description: GNU libc6 (also called glibc2) C library
      License:     LGPL-2

Any other info needed?

Seems strange that if nothing has changed between 10B-5 and 10B-6/7, that
all of a sudden there would be segmentation faults. I can believe some
pthread dependency/feature change in HIPE was added/changed that finally
broke the linux threads in favour of POSIX threads (note, I am using 10B-7
on an OpenBSD 3.6 system with no problems).

If somebody has a newer Gentoo system (2.6 kernel please) where 10B-6/7 is
working, I would love to hear from you to see if this is an issues with a
slightly older kernel/libraries.


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