Template language proposal
Joe Armstrong (AL/EAB)
Thu Sep 22 12:10:05 CEST 2005
Here is a proposal for a template language (suitable for yaws)
Here is a file mis.template - it contains two templates main and bar
@module misc
@template main(E)
<? M= 30, N = 20, "" ?>
<p> Factorial <? N ?> is <? fac(N) ?>
I suppose and M = <? M ?>.
<? bar(fac(M)) ?>
@template bar(X)
<table><tr><td bgcolor="grey"> <? X ?> </tr></td></table>
fac(0) -> 0;
fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).
<? Expr1, Expr2, ... Exprn ?>
means evaluate Expr1, Expr2 in order, the result is the result of
evaluating ExprN - this value is pasted into the doument - and bindings created
in evaluation Expr1,... are carried forward.
It is expanded into:
-export([test/0, main/1, bar/1]).
test() ->
main(E) ->
V1 = s(<<"\n">>),
V2 = s(begin M = 30, N=20, "" end),
V3 = s(<<"<h1>Example</h1>\n<p>Factorial ">>),
V4 = s(begin N end),
V5 = s(<<" is ">>),
V6 = s(begin fac(N) end),
V7 = s(<<" I supppose and M = ">>),
V8 = s(begin M end),
V9 = s(begin bar(fac(M)) end),
bar(X) ->
V1 = s(<<"<table><tr><td bgcolor=\"grey\">">>),
V2 = s(begin X end),
V3 = s(<<"</tr></td></table>">>),
fac(0) -> 1;
fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).
s(N) when integer(N) ->
s(N) when atom(N) ->
s(N) ->
Evaluating misc:test() yields
> misc:test().
"\n<h1>Example</h1>\n<p>Factorial 20 is 2432902008176640000 I supppose and M = 30<table><tr><td bgcolor=\"grey\">265252859812191058636308480000000</tr></td></table>"
As expected
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