Erlang vs. Java

John-Olof Bauner (KI/EAB) john-olof.bauner@REDACTED
Wed Sep 7 14:51:33 CEST 2005

And at Ericsson the managers would become so small if we would use this neat Erlang technology.
And how many project leaders would loose their jobs.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED
[mailto:owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED]On Behalf Of Joel Reymont
Sent: den 7 september 2005 14:42
To: Erlang Users' List
Subject: Erlang vs. Java


I just posted a comparison of Erlang vs. Java at 
tech/2005/09/erlang-vs-java.html for reading and writing binary packets.

I thought someone might find it interesting.

     Thanks, Joel

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