(Prolog + LISP + Erlang) with integration issues versus C++

Joe Armstrong (AL/EAB) joe.armstrong@REDACTED
Tue Sep 6 08:54:29 CEST 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vladdu [mailto:vlad_dumitrescu@REDACTED]
> Sent: den 5 september 2005 22:18
> To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
> Subject: (Prolog + LISP + Erlang) with integration issues versus C++
> [quote="joe]      Interestingly - I know of a small number of 
> companies using Erlang who
> absolutely do not wish it to be known that they are using 
> Erlang - since it gives them
> a commercial advantage that they do not wish their 
> competitors to know about.
> [/quote]
> Hi,
> Just out of curiosity, how do these companies recruit 
> developers? Is "word of mouth" good enough?

No No No

It's never good enough.

Tell Francisco you want an Erlang job (if that's what you want) - he can't guess this

Find out who is doing the fun stuff then contact them - 

Where are you located - where do you want a job? - I might be able to help
with some names.

Luke Gorrie (for example) got a job at Bluetail from Australia - he started
by mailing me - he had written a wiki in Erlang - his code was so nice that I thought
I had written it :-) - so we hired him

In most cases they don't recruit developers - it was the developers who
either started the company or managed to persuade their bosses to use

One very good way to start a company is to hook up with some business people
- smart MBAs from a business school. Often these guys have very good business ideas
but haven't a clue how to implement their ideas.

We (programmers) tend to think we know it all - we often have good techniques but 
crap ideas about business prospects. Business people are the other way around - they 
often know exactly what they want, and the idea is good, BUT they can't implement it
themselves - so they hire consultants => result disaster.

I have learnt that "not many programmers can program" - (this took me years - I thought
that because I could program that other people called "programmers" could program) -
in fact very few people can take an idea and turn it into a working system (any
fool can a trivial 1000 line program, and many fools do).

The other think is "work with good people" - the Erlang Bluetail group was good 
because it reached critical mass. One isolated programmer rarely starts a company.

Typical start-up size is 4 programmers 4 non-programmers (1 boss, 3 sales)


> /Vlad
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