Uncertain death

Dominic Williams xpdoka@REDACTED
Fri Nov 18 17:27:59 CET 2005

That would be great, thanks!


> We also consider this a bug (with low prio). There will be a fix for it
> released for R10B, but probably not in R10B-9.
> Best Regards,
> Rickard Green, Erlang/OTP
> Dominic Williams wrote:
>> Oh yes, I realize that. I'm not bothered at all by the delay,
>> although I wouldn't mind a neater way of "waiting" for its
>> death than timer:sleep/1.
>> What bothers me is the contradictory information provided by
>> is_process_alive(Pid) and processes(). That seems like a bug
>> to me.
>> Dominic.
>>>When you send an exit signal to a process,
>>>it is scheduled in order to receive it.
>>>This goes for 'kill' messages as well, even
>>>though you'd think that they could be
>>>killed right away by the runtime system.
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED
>>>>[mailto:owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED] On Behalf Of
>>>>Dominic Williams
>>>>Sent: den 17 november 2005 23:32
>>>>To: 'erlang-questions@REDACTED'
>>>>Subject: Uncertain death
>>>>The following program seems to me to indicate that when a
>>>>processes gets killed, there is, for a brief moment,
>>>>contradictory information about its state. Specifically, the
>>>>information returned by processes() seems to lag behind that
>>>>given by is_process_alive().
>>>>%%% death.erl
>>>>-module (death).
>>>>-export ([run/0, server/0]).
>>>>run() ->
>>>>     Pid = spawn (?MODULE, server, []),
>>>>     exit (Pid, kill),
>>>>     report (Pid),
>>>>     timer:sleep(1000),
>>>>     report (Pid).
>>>>report (Pid) ->
>>>>     io:fwrite("~p alive: ~p; member of processes(): ~p~n",
>>>>               [Pid, is_process_alive (Pid),
>>>>                lists:member(Pid, processes())]).
>>>>server () ->
>>>>     receive
>>>>         hello ->
>>>>             server();
>>>>         stop ->
>>>>             bye
>>>>     end.
>>>>%%% end death.erl
>>>>1> c("/Users/dodo/tmp/death", [{outdir, "/Users/dodo/tmp/"}]).
>>>>2> death:run().
>>>><0.35.0> alive: false; member of processes(): true <0.35.0>
>>>>alive: false; member of processes(): false ok
>>>>Same result under MacOS/R9C and WinXP/R10B
>>>>Dominic Williams

Dominic Williams

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