Inets HTTP client stability

chandru chandrashekhar.mullaparthi@REDACTED
Mon Nov 14 10:26:41 CET 2005


On 13/11/05, Michael McDaniel <erlang@REDACTED> wrote:
> Based on your comment above, I infer that the inets http module is
> not rfc2616 compliant with regard to chunked data?  Or is there
> something I am doing wrong in using it?

It must be a problem with the http module. Like I said, those are
details which should be hidden from the user of the HTTP client.

> My preference
> would be to use the inets http code since it is delivered with
> Erlang system.

Sure. FWIW, we (T-Mobile UK) use ibrowse in two different production
environments making millions of requests....


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