Dialyzer win32

Vlad Dumitrescu vlad_dumitrescu@REDACTED
Sun Mar 27 17:40:06 CEST 2005


> Has anyone successfully used Dialyzer in a Windows
> environment?  (If so, care to share your install
> script?)

First problem is that linking to hipe_icode_type.hrl doesn't work: 
the -include directive doesn't follow links, because erl isn't a cygwin 
application. So I changed setup.sh to do a copy instead.

Next problem is also related to the fact that erl is a Windows application, 
while the paths sent to it from setup.sh are cygwin-like.

I am attaching a patch that tries to detect a cygwin installation and act 
accordingly. Haven't tested in a non-cygwin environment.

best regards,

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