Sound/video drivers
Joe Armstrong (AL/EAB)
Wed Mar 2 11:18:52 CET 2005
Questions about sound:
I'd like to do the following:
- From a microphone connected to the sound card of my (Linux) PC I'd like to get I get {raw,Bin} sound
messages here raw might mean that Bin represents 20 KHz, 8 bit samples or something.
- I'd like to send these to a codec process and get back (say) {codec23, Bin'} messages.
- I ship these over the net with UDP/RTP (or something)
- then turn these back into {raw, Bin''} messages and
- send these to my soundcard
1) How can I get sound into/out of my PC to an Erlang program?
The input is a microphone connected to my sound card
Output is through the sound card
I'm thinking of some raw driver here:
I'd like to say:
P = open_sound( Options),
loop(P) ->
{P, Sound} ->
.... received Sound ...
I guess Options must say something about sampling rates etc.
2) What is sound?
ie in the above program what is the type of Sound? -
Assume Sound is a tuple {Descriptor, Bin}
Where Bin is just sound data, then Descriptor would have to describe Bin
What would descriptor be? Something like {EncodeingMethod, Args} but what would these be.
3) How can I encode sound with codecs?
I'd like to write:
encode(From, To, Codec) ->
{From, Sound} ->
{Sound1, Codec1} = Codec(Sound),
To ! {self(), Sound1},
encode(From, To, Codec1)
Video? - same questions for video - with microphone replaced by web_cam
Has anybody some Erlang code that does all of this?
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