Emacs mode

Vlad Dumitrescu vlad_dumitrescu@REDACTED
Wed Mar 2 08:27:09 CET 2005

From: "yerl" <yerl@REDACTED>
> Try this tip:
> 1. Create a "~/.elisp" directory on your home directory.
> 2. Copy the files from the directory
> "/usr/lib/erlang/lib/tools-2.4.XXX/emacs/*" to "~/.elisp".
> 3. Put the lines below on your "~/.emacs.el" :

Yes, thank you. I suppose having an external directory is unavoidable.

> This works with any version of OTP because it is undependent from the
> OTP install directory.

But still needs some manual handling whenever erlang emacs files get updated...

Maybe a slightly better idea is to make ~/.elisp a link to the tools/emacs
directory, and update it at the same time as the link to the new OTP

best regards,

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