SNMP MIB Data type - equivalent to Erlang "atom" ?

Serge Aleynikov serge@REDACTED
Wed Jun 22 14:07:14 CEST 2005

You need to use DisplayString type in your MIB, and use
{value, atom_to_list(anyatom)} in your instrumentation function.

Also, to answer your former question on accessing the agent from other 
hosts - remove {intAgentIpAddress, [127,0,0,1]} entry from agent.config 
file, or change that IP to the public one assigned to the interface.


Sanjaya Vitharana wrote:
> Hi....!!!,
> !!!!!....Can any body help me to sort this out.....!!!!
> What is the MIB Data type equivalent to "atom" ?
> For Example:
> assume that I have a function:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> getAtom(get) ->
>   {value, anyatom}. %% note that returning value is an atom of "anyatom"
> ----------------------------------------------------
> How Should I map it in MIB (What is the Type ?)
>           myAtom OBJECT-TYPE
>               SYNTAX  ***What is the equivalent data type to put 
> here***    %%I know How to handle INTEGER/DisplayString  (FROM 
> RFC1213-MIB). But atom ???
>               ACCESS  read-write
>               STATUS  mandatory
>               DESCRIPTION
>                       ""
>               ::= { myObjects 1 }
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Regards,
> Sanjaya

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