file error, what file?

Michael McDaniel erlang@REDACTED
Tue Jan 18 01:53:57 CET 2005

When I start my erlang shell, I consistently get the following error:
{error_logger,{{2005,1,11},{15,7,9}},std_error,'File operation error: eacces. 
 Function: get_file. Process: kernel_sup.'}

I forced a linewrap after the 'eacces.'.  Of course, date/time changes
on each start!

How can I find out what is the problem file?  The system starts and appears to
work fine for what I am doing.  No erlang_crash.dump is created.

I use the following script to start my erlang command shell.


if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then


/usr/local/bin/erl -heart \
    -boot /home/mmcdanie/misc/src/erlang/start_ssl_clean -proto_dist inet_ssl \
    -ssl_dist_opt client_certfile \
    -ssl_dist_opt server_certfile \
   -ssl_dist_opt verify 1 depth 1 -name $NodeName -s heart start
#% end

System is Linux kernel 2.6 (SuSE rel 9.1) using 
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.3 [source] [hipe]

This just recently started after a power outage, so I have some small suspicion of file
system corruption, but how to determine the file?  I am using ReiserFS and have not known
of any problems after power outages before (though my UPS never failed before!).

ALSO, I have realized another problem which may be related.  I decided to remake my
bootfile and so did
$ erl
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.3 [source] [hipe]

Eshell V5.4.3  (abort with ^G)
1> systools:make_script("start_ssl_clean").
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: 'SSL-PKIX'.erl
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: 'PKIX1Algorithms88'.erl
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: 'PKIX1Explicit88'.erl
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: 'PKIX1Implicit88'.erl
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: 'PKIXAttributeCertificate'.erl
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: ssl_pkix_oid.erl
2> systools:make_script("start_ssl_clean", [{path,["/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/ssl-3.0.4/pkix"]}]).
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: 'SSL-PKIX'.erl
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: 'PKIX1Algorithms88'.erl
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: 'PKIX1Explicit88'.erl
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: 'PKIX1Implicit88'.erl
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: 'PKIXAttributeCertificate'.erl
*WARNING* ssl: Source code not found: ssl_pkix_oid.erl
3> q().

Apologies for two problems in one message (only because I think they may
be related).

Thank you for any assistance in helping me determine why my 'eacces' problem is occurring,
or why Erlang cannot find the source code.

Michael McDaniel
Portland, Oregon, USA

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