Bad call = gen_server shutdown?

blaguehubert blaguehubert@REDACTED
Fri Jan 14 16:59:30 CET 2005

I wrote a gen_server module "repartiteur" with 2 functions : 
propose_link/1 and get_proposed_links/0.

It seems that if I call get_proposed_links with an argument (by 
mistake), it shutdowns the server...

Is this normal?

1> make:all([load]).
Recompile: chercheur.erl
Recompile: superviseur.erl
Recompile: repartiteur.erl
Recompile: search_engine.erl
2> repartiteur:start_link().
3> repartiteur:propose_link("truc").
4> repartiteur:get_proposed_links().
5> repartiteur:get_proposed_links().
6> repartiteur:get_proposed_links(1).
** exited: {undef,[{repartiteur,get_proposed_links,[1]},
                   {shell,eval_loop,3}]} **
7> repartiteur:get_proposed_links().
** exited: {noproc,{gen_server,call,
[{global,repartiteur},{get_proposed_links}]}} **
8> repartiteur:start_link().         
9> repartiteur:get_proposed_links().

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