A Pythonista's Impressions of Erlang

blaguehubert blaguehubert@REDACTED
Wed Jan 12 12:05:45 CET 2005

Speaking of string operations, I need to add (or remove) the /  at the 
end of an URL if it is absent (or present).

I only ended in writing ugly code like that:

        list:last(SiteRoot) =/= $/ ->
                SiteRoot ++ [$/];
        true ->

Is there an elegant way to do last character manipulation?

Raimo Niskanen wrote:

>I think either string:stubstr/2,3 (that can operate on
>any-element-lists as well), or lists:split/2 can do 
>what you want.
>By the way, the 'string' module has got a lot of
>C-style string handling functions. Many of them do 
>not bother about the list elements being characters.
>When doing a quick readthrough of 'string' it seems as
>words/1,2, sub_word/2,3, left/2,3, and right/2,3
>require that the elements are integers. I do not 
>see why this requirement could not be relaxed.
>csanto@REDACTED (Corrado Santoro) writes:
>>Dominic Williams wrote:
>>>Given what is already in the lists module,
>>>>a="Hello, World"
>>>>a[5:-3] --> ", Wo"
>>>slice("Hello, World", 5, -3) -> ...
>>>must be a one- or two-liner.
>>why not including such a function in "lists"?
>>>Why bother with the syntactic sugar?
>>I agree :-))
>>Eng. Corrado Santoro, Ph.D.
>>University of Catania - Engineering Faculty
>>Department of Computer Science and
>>Telecommunications Engineering
>>Viale A. Doria, 6 - 95125 CATANIA (ITALY)
>>Tel: +39 095 7382380           Fax: +39 095 7382397
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>>EMail: csanto@REDACTED
>>Personal Home Page:
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