[newbie] refactor function?
Carsten Schultz
Tue Feb 1 19:36:09 CET 2005
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 01:07:10PM +0400, Gaspar Chilingarov wrote:
> Hello All!
> what is a correct way of writing following function (initQuota/1) --
> probably i got problems thinking in a functional way ;) ?
> i wish to get rid of last two cases.
> following function just adds to list of tuples with range descriptions
> initial zero value, which will be changed later in application.
> -cut-
> testInitQuota() ->
> [{ single, "AAA", 0 }] = initQuota( [ { single, "AAA" } ] ),
> [{ range, "AAA", "BBB", 0 }] =
> initQuota( [ { range, "AAA", "BBB" } ] ),
> [{ single, "AAA", 0 },{ range, "AAA", "BBB", 0 }] =
> initQuota( [ { single, "AAA" },{ range, "AAA", "BBB" } ] ).
> initQuota([Head | QuotaList]) ->
> lists:reverse(initQuota(Head, QuotaList, [])).
> initQuota( { range, Value1, Value2 }, [Head | QuotaList], NewList ) ->
> initQuota( Head, QuotaList, [ { range, Value1, Value2, 0 } ] ++
> NewList );
> initQuota( { single, Value1 }, [Head | QuotaList], NewList ) ->
> initQuota( Head, QuotaList, [ { single, Value1, 0 } ] ++ NewList );
> initQuota( { range, Value1, Value2 }, [], NewList ) ->
> [ { range, Value1, Value2, 0 } ] ++ NewList;
> initQuota( { single, Value1 }, [], NewList ) ->
> [ { single, Value1, 0 } ] ++ NewList.
> -cut-
Well I would first write a specification of what the function should
do, like
initQuota(X) ->
lists:map(fun({range, Value1, Value2}) ->
{range, Value1, Value2, 0};
({single, Value1}) ->
{single, Value1}
end, X).
If you do not like funs like this, that would have been
initQuota(List) ->
lists:map(fun initQuotaElement/1, List).
initQuotaElement({range, Value1, Value2}) ->
{range, Value1, Value2, 0};
initQuotaElement({single, Value1}) ->
{single, Value1}.
BTW, the problem with your solution seems to be that you are doing to
pattern matches at once, although they are independent of each other.
You could have written:
initQuota(Val, List, NewList) ->
NewVal = case Val of
{range, Value1, Value2} ->
{range, Value1, Value2, 0};
{single, Value1} ->
{single, Value1, 0}
case List of
[] ->
[NewVal | NewList];
[Head | Tail] ->
initQuota(Head, Tail, [NewVal | NewList])
However, there is no need for the first argument of initQuota. A
usual formulation along your lines would have been
initQuota(List) ->
initQuota(List, []).
initQuota([], Acc) ->
initQuota([{single, Val}|Tail], Acc) ->
initQuota(Tail, [{single, Val, 0}|Acc]);
initQuota([{range, Val1, Val2}|Tail], Acc) ->
initQuota(Tail, [{range, Val1, Val2, 0}|Acc]).
(Your formulation is equivalent to the above, but with
initQuota(List=[_|_]) ->
initQuota(List, []).)
Carsten Schultz (2:38, 33:47)
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