SOAP (again?)

Dmitrii Dimandt dmitriid@REDACTED
Sun Dec 25 00:14:45 CET 2005

> The solution is ofcourse to do a proper SOAP implementation
> in Erlang. It shouldn't be to hard and it sure would be blindingly
> fast - if done properly.
> 1. parse the wsdl file (using xmerl)
> 2. generate datatypes (records) in .hrl files for all
>    complextypes found
> 3. generate marshalling code to send and receive those records
>    (probably using xmerl)
> 1 week of work or so. My SOAP days are over (for ever I hope !!)
> so I won't do it :-)

Well, I will try to do that. Now the question is - to find the time to do it :)

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