Support of SMUX

Micael Karlberg bmk@REDACTED
Wed Dec 7 14:55:21 CET 2005

The SNMP reference confused me a bit, so I did a quick google on SMUX
and came up with this page:

where they talk about HTTP/1.0 and TCP.

Since SNMP is UDP-based (there is some effort to introduce TCP as a
carrier) I take it, that you mean inets?


Sean Hinde wrote:
> On 7 Dec 2005, at 10:45, Rohini V wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does the current erlang version support SMUX protocol ??
>> If so, then can u please provide me with some documentation support  
>> for the
>> same. ( along with the source code ).
> I suspect that if it is not in the SNMP version from the current R10B  
> release then it does not exist.
> Of course the beauty of open source is that you already have the code  
> for the whole Ericsson SNMP implementation as a basis. If you are the  
> first ones who need to implement this then I'm sure folks on the list  
> would be interested to see (and maybe contribute) to your enhancements.
> Sean

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