My first beam assembler hack

Peter Lund erlang@REDACTED
Mon Dec 5 10:31:25 CET 2005

Found this in the online docs about the compiler:file/2 options...

    The input file is expected to be assembler code (default file suffix
    ".S"). Note that the format of assembler files is not documented,
    and may change between releases - this option is primarily for
    internal debugging use.

I was not able to find the 'form_asm' option, but maybe I was looking in 
the wrong place or something.


Ulf Wiger (AL/EAB) wrote:

>Beam assembler certainly is the language of choice
>for the discriminating hacker.  (:
>I guess this might be a nice alternative to my
>plain_fsm hack (which relies on parse transforms).
>Now, how stable/documented is the .S format?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Tony Rogvall [mailto:tony@REDACTED] 
>>Sent: den 4 december 2005 23:55
>>To: Ulf Wiger (AL/EAB)
>>Cc: Erlang Users' List
>>Subject: My first beam assembler hack 
>>Just want to share some beam assembler hack with you ;-)
>>Attach a assembler module called message.S
>>compile it with:
>>	erlc +form_asm message.S
>>Then I wrote a module mbox.erl that can use some of the 
>>features in message.S
>>Have fun

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