inets ftp bug
Serge Aleynikov
Wed Aug 24 00:43:54 CEST 2005
OTP team:
This is my second attempt to fix the issue with inets' ftp.erl, which
seems to be more involved than I initially thought. In this version of
ftp.erl ftp:recv/2 seems to be working correctly, however, I am not
quite sure that this fix covered all errors in the implementation (which
IMHO is quite messy), and would prefer if one of the authors would take
a look at it.
> ftp_test:test("localhost", "serge", "...", "/home/serge/tmp/data",
"220 ProFTPD 1.2.6 Server (DevLinuxPro FTP) []"
"331 Password required for serge."
"230 User serge logged in."
"250 CWD command successful."
"500 EPSV not understood."
"200 PORT command successful"
"150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for dial_code.txt (5271838 bytes)"
"226 Transfer complete."
"200 PORT command successful"
"150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for dial_code.txt (5271838 bytes)"
"226 Transfer complete."
Serge Aleynikov wrote:
> Actually, there seems to be one more (at least :-( ) issue with the
> ftp.erl. With the applied patch there is no more exception raised, but
> the second transfer of a file doesn't happen if you run the code outside
> of the debugger.
> When running with a debugger, I get:
> ~/tmp/dirtest>erl
> Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.8 [source] [hipe] [threads:0]
> Eshell V5.4.8 (abort with ^G)
> 1> i:ii(ftp).
> {module,ftp}
> 2> i:ib(ftp, activate_data_connection, 1).
> ok
> 3> debugger:start().
> {ok,<0.36.0>}
> 4> ftp_test:test("localhost", "serge", "...", "/home/serge/tmp/data",
> "cust_group.txt").
> "220 ProFTPD 1.2.6 Server (DevLinuxPro FTP) []"
> "331 Password required for serge."
> "230 User serge logged in."
> "250 CWD command successful."
> "500 EPSV not understood."
> "200 PORT command successful"
> "150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for cust_group.txt (7487 bytes)"
> "226 Transfer complete."
> "150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for cust_group.txt (7487 bytes)"
> ok
> This is good and expected. We can see that the file is transfered twice.
> Now the same call without debugger:
> ~/tmp/dirtest>erl
> Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.8 [source] [hipe] [threads:0]
> Eshell V5.4.8 (abort with ^G)
> 1> ftp_test:test("localhost", "serge", "...", "/home/serge/tmp/data",
> "cust_group.txt").
> "220 ProFTPD 1.2.6 Server (DevLinuxPro FTP) []"
> "331 Password required for serge."
> "230 User serge logged in."
> "250 CWD command successful."
> "500 EPSV not understood."
> "200 PORT command successful"
> "150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for cust_group.txt (7487 bytes)"
> "226 Transfer complete."
> "200 PORT command successful"
> ok
> No transfer is happening after the successful PORT command...
> Serge
> Serge Aleynikov wrote:
>> OTP team:
>> I found a bug in the inets' ftp.erl client that can be patched by
>> applying the ftp.erl.patch file to the source.
>> The bug is seen when you try to download more than one file in a row
>> using ftp:recv/2 function. For some reason this bug doesn't occur
>> when tracing is enabled (and/or debugger application is running).
>> Use the following to reproduce the bug:
>> ftp_test:test(Host, User, Password, RemoteDir, RemoteFile).
>> ~/tmp/dirtest>erl -pa ~/Projects/DRP/lib/drpdb-1.0/ebin
>> Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.8 [source] [hipe] [threads:0]
>> Eshell V5.4.8 (abort with ^G)
>> 1> ftp_test:test("localhost", "serge", "...", "/home/serge", "tt.txt").
>> "220 ProFTPD 1.2.6 Server (DevLinuxPro FTP) []"
>> "331 Password required for serge."
>> "230 User serge logged in."
>> "250 CWD command successful."
>> "500 EPSV not understood."
>> "200 PORT command successful"
>> "150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for tt.txt (7487 bytes)"
>> "226 Transfer complete."
>> "200 PORT command successful"
>> ** exited: {{function_clause,[{inet,tcp_close,[{lsock,#Port<0.123>}]},
>> {ftp,do_termiante,2},
>> {gen_server,terminate,6},
>> {proc_lib,init_p,5}]},
>> {gen_server,call,
>> [<0.42.0>,
>> {recv,"tt.txt","tt.txt"},
>> infinity]}} **
>> Hope that it can make it in the next OTP release.
>> Regards,
>> Serge
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -module(ftp_test).
>> -export([test/5]).
>> test(Host, User, Password, Dir, File) ->
>> application:start(inets),
>> {ok, Pid} = ftp:open(Host, [verbose]),
>> ok = ftp:user(Pid, User, Password),
>> ok = ftp:cd(Pid, Dir),
>> ok = ftp:recv(Pid, File),
>> ok = ftp:recv(Pid, File),
>> ftp:close(Pid).
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --- /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/inets-4.5/src/ftp.erl Tue Aug 23
>> 13:28:08 2005
>> +++ ftp.erl Tue Aug 23 16:39:43 2005
>> @@ -790,11 +790,11 @@
>> %% terminate/2 and code_change/3
>> %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> terminate(normal, State) ->
>> - do_termiante({error, econn}, State);
>> + do_terminate({error, econn}, State);
>> terminate(Reason, State) ->
>> - do_termiante({error, Reason}, State).
>> + do_terminate({error, Reason}, State).
>> -do_termiante(ErrorMsg, State) ->
>> +do_terminate(ErrorMsg, State) ->
>> close_data_connection(State),
>> close_ctrl_connection(State),
>> case State#state.client of
>> @@ -1313,6 +1313,8 @@
>> close_data_connection(#state{dsock = undefined}) ->
>> ok;
>> +close_data_connection(#state{dsock = {lsock, Socket}}) ->
>> + close_connection(Socket);
>> close_data_connection(#state{dsock = Socket}) ->
>> close_connection(Socket).
Serge Aleynikov
R&D Telecom, IDT Corp.
Tel: (973) 438-3436
Fax: (973) 438-1464
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