inets ftp bug
Serge Aleynikov
Tue Aug 23 22:47:24 CEST 2005
OTP team:
I found a bug in the inets' ftp.erl client that can be patched by
applying the ftp.erl.patch file to the source.
The bug is seen when you try to download more than one file in a row
using ftp:recv/2 function. For some reason this bug doesn't occur when
tracing is enabled (and/or debugger application is running).
Use the following to reproduce the bug:
ftp_test:test(Host, User, Password, RemoteDir, RemoteFile).
~/tmp/dirtest>erl -pa ~/Projects/DRP/lib/drpdb-1.0/ebin
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.8 [source] [hipe] [threads:0]
Eshell V5.4.8 (abort with ^G)
1> ftp_test:test("localhost", "serge", "...", "/home/serge", "tt.txt").
"220 ProFTPD 1.2.6 Server (DevLinuxPro FTP) []"
"331 Password required for serge."
"230 User serge logged in."
"250 CWD command successful."
"500 EPSV not understood."
"200 PORT command successful"
"150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for tt.txt (7487 bytes)"
"226 Transfer complete."
"200 PORT command successful"
** exited: {{function_clause,[{inet,tcp_close,[{lsock,#Port<0.123>}]},
infinity]}} **
Hope that it can make it in the next OTP release.
Serge Aleynikov
R&D Telecom, IDT Corp.
Tel: (973) 438-3436
Fax: (973) 438-1464
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