application startup
Serge Aleynikov
Mon Aug 22 13:38:42 CEST 2005
Over the weekend, I briefly tried to experiment with the builder app by
taking your 'dist' application from the "How-to" section of, and trying to creage a distibution package. I had very
little luck on getting a clean built. On the other hand the build
process using target_system.erl worked well. It must be that some
options weren't set correctly, but the errors are not very descriptive.
The root of the 'dist' app is /home/serge/tmp/distr-erl/. The release
file looks like this (note I added mnesia app because I wanted that to
be included in the build):
{release, {"Example","1.0"}, {erts,"5.4.8"},
{sasl, "2.0.1"},
{mnesia, "4.2.2", load},
1> builder:go([{app_dir,
"/home/serge/tmp/distr-erl/lib/dist-1.0"},{report, verbose},{out_dir,
pushed 1st report level verbose(2)
redefined report level verbose(2)
=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Aug-2005::07:35:10 ===
Error in process <0.30.0> with exit value:
** exited: {{case_clause,[{"2.10.9",[]}]},
{builder,go,1}]} **
Then I created an example.rel.src file and tried again:
{release, {"Example","1.0"},
[kernel, stdlib, sasl, mnesia, dist]}.
2> builder:go([{app_dir,
"/home/serge/tmp/distr-erl/lib/dist-1.0"},{report, verbose},{out_dir,
pushed 1st report level verbose(2)
redefined report level verbose(2)
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Aug-2005::08:35:46 ===
Error in process <0.91.0> with exit value:
** exited: {undef,[{dict,store,[make_rel,false]},
{shell,eval_loop,3}]} **
11> builder:go([{app_dir,
"/home/serge/tmp/distr-erl/lib/dist-1.0"},{report, verbose},{out_dir,
At this point I gave up because I had to take my daugter to a swimming pool.
My humble suggestion would be that instead of replying to my email you
would expand the help (or write a small tutorial) on how to make use of
the 'builder' tool.
> ... To achieve the ease of use part, a tutorial
> is badly needed. It's not that obvious how to get
> started with it.
Ulf Wiger wrote:
> Den 2005-08-19 19:24:45 skrev Serge Aleynikov <serge@REDACTED>:
>> Uffe,
>> Is the 'builder' contrib supposed to be a complete replacement of
>> target_system.erl documented below?
> Builder tries to conform to the OTP system principles
> as much as possible, so it's more of an attempt to
> automate the process -- not replace it.
> Builder essentially tries to combine the following ideas:
> - automate some of the error-prone steps, like
> getting the version numbers and the module list right.
> - explore the idea of incrementally building the
> system: for each application, you can generate boot
> scripts that let you start a full system up to and
> including the application you're working on. Once
> you get to the final application, you are building
> the whole system.
> - if you usually want to build your scripts using the
> latest available applications, this should not be
> tedious and difficult. Builder will find out which
> are the latest versions, as long as it gets the
> application names and search paths. If you want to
> be specific about versions, you can do that too.
> - try to achieve modularity in that once you've
> specified build options for one application, they
> can be reused (or optionally overridden) when adding
> another. To some extent, OTP does this already, but
> builder adds support for handling environment
> variables this way.
> Essentially, ease of use for the beginner, and speed
> and convenience for the power user were the modest
> goals. To achieve the ease of use part, a tutorial
> is badly needed. It's not that obvious how to get
> started with it.
> /Uffe
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