yet another gui framework for Erlang

Jouni Rynö Jouni.Ryno@REDACTED
Fri Aug 19 12:26:27 CEST 2005

Ah, it should be
	    Win = ssnd(plot_area, 'GN_drawingarea_get_window', []),
	    Gc = snd('Gdk_gc_new', [Win]),
	    snd('Gdk_draw_line', [Win, Gc, 10, 10, 100, 200]),

At least I get the line :)

But is there a way (function) to access the Gc:s in the


On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 13:00 +0300, Jouni Rynö wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-08-17 at 16:05 +0200, Mats Cronqvist wrote:
> >    so one can design the interface i glade; ione can easily create
> > a very complicated one in a few hours. all the widgets are named, the
> > names are available on the Erlang side as atoms. one also specifies
> > which events should result in signals.
> > ...
> I tried to figure out, how to draw. I generated a GtkDrawingArea, but I
> could not figure out, how to get my hands on the gc
> Something like this I should be able to do, 'plot_area' is the name of
> the GtkDrawingArea widget.
> 	Win = ssnd(plot_area, 'GN_drawingarea_get_window', []),
> 	% Gc = ssnd(plot_area, 'Gdk_gc_new', []),  <- this does not work, and
> there should already be a define GC in the window?
> 	ssnd(plot_area, 'Gdk_draw_line', [Win, Gc, 10, 10, 100, 200]),
> P.S. It the future (tm), the cairo and gdk-cairo drawable would be nice
> to have included, but that's gtk 2.8 stuff. The point being, that the
> same code calling the cairo functions could draw also pdf, png, etc, not
> just gdkdrawable ... 
> best regards
> 	Jouni

  Jouni Rynö                            mailto://
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