push_element/2 - efficient sliding window
Bjorn Gustavsson
Mon Aug 15 09:52:52 CEST 2005
"Richard A. O'Keefe" <ok@REDACTED> writes:
> With reference to (fixed size) sliding windows,
> I asked whether we really needed built-in support.
> "Ulf Wiger" <ulf@REDACTED> replied:
> It's about as justified as erlang:make_tuple/2
> and erlang:append_element/2.
> I guess that's a NO, then. (:-)
I agree. In retrospect, we should not have added those two BIFs.
They are very rarely used.
Maybe we should take them out and replace them with Erlang
functions in the erlang module.
> Yep.
> tuple_stuff(Tuple, Amount, Fill, Rotation, Drop, Take)
> Tuple a tuple
> Amount a non-negative integer
> Fill any term
> Rotation an integer in the range -N..+N,
> where N = size(Tuple) + Amount
> Drop an integer in the range -N..+N
> Take an integer in the range -M..+M
> where M = N - |Drop|
> Step 1: extend Tuple on the right with Amount copies of Fill
> e.g. tuple_stuff({a,b,c}, 2, d, ...) starts with {a,b,c,d,d}.
> Step 2: rotation Tuple by Rotation. If Rotation >= 0, take the
> last Rotation elements and move them to the front; if Rotation =< 0,
> take the first |Rotation| elements and move them to the back.
> Step 3: if Drop >= 0, discard the first |Drop| elements;
> if Drop =< 0, discard the last |Drop| elements.
> Step 4: if Take >= 0, take the first |Take| elements;
> if Take =< 0, take the last |Take| elements.
Given a better name, we could consider adding this BIF.
Björn Gustavsson, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB
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