Distributed spawn-linking.

Michael McDaniel erlang@REDACTED
Mon Aug 8 17:18:49 CEST 2005

On Mon, Aug 08, 2005 at 05:51:42PM +0300, Alex Arnon wrote:
> Hi All,
> A (newbie question):
> Consider a somewhat convoluted architecture: I have two processes, the
> Spawner and Overseer. The Spawner's role is to spawn processes, while
> the overseer would link to them and manage their operation (sending
> command messages and the like). My question is:
>   if the Spawner does this:
>     Overseer ! {new, spawn(SomeNode, Behaviour, Args)}
>   and the Overseer then does:
>     receive
>         {new, Pid} ->
>             link(Pid),
>             Pid ! {i_see_you, self()}
>         ...
> Is there any chance that the link would fail/message would get lost
> due to there not being a process yet? In other words, does spawn()
> wait for SomeNode to respond with an ACK before returning?

googling "message passing acknowledge" shows ...


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