Directory structure for non-OTP projects
Reto Kramer
Tue Aug 2 07:23:01 CEST 2005
> Can someone who uses the test_server please describe how they have
> their
> development environment set up on their workstation?
I do use the test_server quite extensively for my development. The
description below sound much worse than it is once you've set it all
up ;-). Hang in there!
> Where have you
> installed erlang?
Regular 'make install' under /usr/local.
> Where do you put your own code in relation to that?
I do _not_ put my code under the /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib. I keep it
all under some ~/ directory that I use for projects.
This caused me some trouble with the test_server initially (as I did
not even want the test_server to be under /usr/local), but wanted the
testserver to be "just another" application under ~/.
You can put the test_server wherever you want. In that directory
you'll need a full blown erlang install "just" for the purpose of the
test_server install (i.e. do a ./configure && make there).
Let's say you want the test_server under ~/foo/test_server. Install
erlang under e.g. ~/foo/test_server/otp_src_10B-2 and untar the
test_server src into ~/oo/test_server/otp_src_10B-2/lib/test_server.
Then apply the change that the diff shows at the bottom of this
message before you build the test_server as described below.
Run the following script to "install" the test_server code to you
project test directory. The argument to the script has to be you
_absolute_ path (otherwise the build didn't work for me) to the test
directory of your project.
E.g. ./build_deploy /Users/reto/project/test
cd ~/foo/test_server/otp_src_R10B-2
export ERL_TOP=`pwd`
cd lib/test_server/
make release_tests TESTROOT=$1
This all has to be done only once to get your project to be in a
position to use the test_server application.
> What do you do each time you change your code during development?
I have a directory structure that includes
The project/test directory will contain a test_server directory that
stems from the install you did further up.
The actual test code (the stuff under source code control) for my
project is checked in under project/test/project_test. This directory
contains the test src (.erl files) as well as the beam files for
The project/test/project_test directory also contains two test_server
control files:
{topcase, {dir, "../project_test"}}. % Test specification on top level
{include, [module_name_1,
The .cover file lists all modules that should be included in the
coverage analysis.
To run tests, I invoke a Makefile from the project/test directory
(should really do it from project/test/project_test to get rid of all
the ..). Something like
$ make build_tests when tests changed
$ make run_tests when tests or product code changed
cd project_test; erlc -I ../test_server -W -o . *.erl; cd ..
cd test_server; erl -env TEST_EBIN ${TEST_EBIN} -s ts run
all_tests verbose cover_details -s erlang halt; cd ..
The TEST_EBIN directory is picked up by the test_server.erl patch at
the bottom of this message. It's needed for the test_server to work
with code that is not under a /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib sibling to
the test_server standard place. So TEST_EBIN points at the project
ebin, not the test code itself. The latter is found since it's in the
current directory when the testserver is fired up (the test_server
picks that up all right).
Once you have all this in place, you can go trough cycles of
- edit
- compile project
- make run_tests
pretty quickly.
The result is a browser window that pops up with the test results. A
little heavyweight maybe, but on a reasonable laptop, I turn things
around pretty quickly using the test_server. The coverage data is an
integral part of the report - very sweet (nicer than JUnit and Emma
since it's more tightly integrated).
The test_server to me doesn't feel heavyweight. The install sucks
though as you can see if you choose not to have it in the src erlang/
lib/test_server place and you choose not to have your projects under
- Reto
==== //depot/sdev/testserver/src/testserver/lib/test_server/src/
test_server.erl#2 (text) ====
> % NOTE kramer@REDACTED 2004-Oct-12 -- testserver
otherwise can
> % only deal with applications/modules under the otp lib
> ok = code:add_pathsa(get_ebin_paths()),
> get_ebin_paths() ->
> % colon separated path list
> % e.g. erl -env TEST_EBIN 'a:b:c' ...
> case os:getenv("TEST_EBIN") of
> false ->
> [];
> Ebin ->
> % FIXME kramer@REDACTED 2004-Sep-14 -- colon is UNIX
> % Note: use absolute pathnames throughout.
> PathList = string:tokens(Ebin, ":"),
> {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
> lists:foreach(
> fun(P) ->
> case filelib:is_dir(P) of
> false ->
> exit("One of the EBIN directories ("++
> P++") does not exist (cwd is "++
> Cwd++")");
> true ->
> ok
> end
> end, PathList),
> PathList
> end.
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