node startup crash
Serge Aleynikov
Fri Apr 22 16:05:23 CEST 2005
I upgraded Erlang on one of our Linux servers to R10B-4, and started
getting this error at startup. This problem wasn't observed before the
>erl -sname a
{error_logger,{{2005,4,21},{21,30,39}},'Protocol: ~p: register error:
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,shutdown}
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) (shutdown)
epmd seems to be running ok:
~>ps -aux | grep epmd
serge 26268 0.0 0.0 1932 660 ? S 17:16 0:00
/home/serge/erl/erts-5.4.5/bin/epmd -daemon
Netstat (netstat -a | grep 35269) doesn't show port 35269 being taken.
I ran strace on this machine and on another machine that doesn't exhibit
this error, and saved the output to out_bad.txt and out_good.txt
respectively (cutting everything before and after the problem spot):
strace erl -sname a 2> out_bad.txt
Could anyone suggest the cause of this error?
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