line oriented input, is there an alternative to the io module?
mats cronqvist
Wed Sep 29 16:39:20 CEST 2004
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 14:26:57 +0200, Bengt Kleberg
<bengt.kleberg@REDACTED> wrote:
> if i want to (quickly) read the integers in a file, line by line, is
> there a faster alternative to
> io:fread( '', "~d" )
using file:read can be quite a bit faster.
i wrote something called bio (for block io) that has an interface
similar to lists:foldl;
bio:string(Filename, Function, Accumulator)
will open Filename and call Function for each line in the file.
Function is a fun with arguments (String,Acc) that returns NewAcc,
String is a line of text.
if FN is a textfile that contains 10,000 lines with one integer on each
line, this;
bio:string(FN,fun(T,A)->[list_to_integer(T)|A] end,[])
is about 10 times faster than something similar using io:fread.
%%% File : bio.erl
%%% Author : Mats Cronqvist <etxmacr@REDACTED>
%%% Description : block io
%%% Created : 13 Mar 2003 by Mats Cronqvist <etxmacr@REDACTED>
-define(BLOCK, 8092).
string(FN, Fun, Acc) ->
Bfun = fun(_, O) -> {ok, lists:reverse(O)} end,
in(FN, Fun, Acc, Bfun).
term(FN, Fun, Acc) ->
Bfun = fun(C, O) -> to_term(C, lists:reverse([10|O])) end,
in(FN, Fun, Acc, Bfun).
in(FN, Fun, Acc, Bfun) ->
case file:open(FN, [read, raw]) of
{ok, FD} ->
R = in(FD, file:read(FD, ?BLOCK), Fun, Bfun, {[], [], Acc}),
{error,R} -> exit({open_error, R, FN})
in(FD, eof, Fun, Bfun, {Cont, [], Acc}) -> Acc;
in(FD, eof, Fun, Bfun, {Cont, O, Acc}) ->
case Bfun(Cont, O) of
{ok, Term} -> Fun(Term, Acc);
{cont, NCont} -> exit({incomplete_input, NCont})
in(FD, {ok, List}, Fun, Bfun, State) ->
in(FD, file:read(FD, ?BLOCK), Fun, Bfun, do(List, Fun, Bfun, State)).
do([], Fun, Bfun, State) -> State;
do([13,10|R], Fun, Bfun, {Cont, O, Acc}) -> %dos...
do([10|R], Fun, Bfun, {Cont, O, Acc});
do([10|R], Fun, Bfun, {Cont, O, Acc}) ->
case Bfun(Cont, O) of
{cont, NCont} -> do(R, Fun, Bfun, {NCont, [], Acc});
{ok, Term} -> do(R, Fun, Bfun, {[], [], Fun(Term, Acc)})
do([H|R], Fun, Bfun, {Cont, O, Acc}) ->
do(R, Fun, Bfun, {Cont, [H|O], Acc}).
to_term(Cont, Str) ->
case catch erl_scan:tokens(Cont, Str, 1) of
{done, {ok, Toks, _}, []} ->
case catch erl_parse:parse_term(Toks) of
{ok, Term} -> {ok, Term};
{error, R} -> exit({parser_failed, R, Str})
{more, Ncont} -> {cont, Ncont};
_ -> exit({scanner_failed, Str})
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