timer cleanup in case gen_server crashes
Reto Kramer
Fri Sep 3 03:12:33 CEST 2004
If I start an interval timer in the init function of a gen_server like
init([]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
{ok, TRef} = timer:apply_interval(get_period(),
?MODULE, trigger_heartbeat, []),
{ok, #state{..., send_timer=TRef, ...}}.
How can I then make sure that the timer is canceled in case the
gen_server itself crashes?
Will this happen automatically because the gen_server process is the
parent of whatever the timer module spawns?
I don't want to have the supervisor that starts my gen_server to know
about the timer, I view the timer as an implementation detail of what
the gen_server does. Would erlang gurus say this is reasonable?
- Reto
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