is module a process in erlang

suresh saragadam sureshsaragadam@REDACTED
Wed Oct 20 08:59:01 CEST 2004

Bengt Kleberg <bengt.kleberg@REDACTED> wrote:
> modules are ''containers for functions''. a function can be run/executed 
> in a process.
functons can be executed in a process, we start a spawn for a funciton that is executed in process, 
then module is not a process,  and function is not a process 
like functions can be executed in a process , modules can also be executed in a process
suresh saragadam 
suresh saragadam wrote:
> hi,
> in erlang every thing is a process ? i just want to confirm it,

only processes are proceses in erlang. :-)

you start a process with

> and how to trace that process,

see the dbg module. the function p(Pid, ...) might be able to do what 
you want. if combined with the correct tpl(...) calls...

> all the processes generated in that module come under that 'module process'

modules are ''containers for functions''. a function can be run/executed 
in a process.

> if i kill module process all the process under it can me terminated

if you kill a process all processes that are ''linked'' to it, see 
erlang:spawn_link(...), are terminated.

> can you please clarify it

unfortunatly i am not very good at this. please see the abundant 
documentation at perhaps ''An Erlang 
course'' would be the right start?
or take a look at the many fine tutorials at


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