Erlang/OTP R10B-1a is out

Bjorn Gustavsson bjorn@REDACTED
Fri Nov 12 10:51:17 CET 2004

Bug fix release     : otp_src_R10B-1a
Build from snapshot : 2004-11-11

The R10B-1a releases fixes a problem on Windows that the emulator
could not be started if Erlang/OTP was installed in a directory
with a short name, such as


This is a bug fix release 1a for the R10B release.
You can download the full source distribution from (this file)

Note: To unpack the TAR archive you need a GNU TAR compatible
program. For instance, on MacOS X you need to use the 'gnutar' command;
you can't use the 'tar' command or StuffIt to unpack the sources.

For installation instructions please read the README that is part of
the distribution.

The Windows binary distribution can be downloaded from

The documentation at will be updated. You can
also download the complete HTML documentation or the Unix manual files

For some OTP applications there are more detailed release notes in the
HTML documentation.

We also want to thank those that sent us patches, suggestions and bug

The OTP Team

--- compiler --------------------------------------------------------

    OTP-5198  A few minor issues code generation issues were corrected.
	      Although the generated code was correct, it was slightly
	      slower and larger than it needed to be.

	      A debug printout (that could be seen in rare circumstances)
	      has been removed.

	      not record_test(not_a_tuple, RecordTag) and similar
	      expressions in a guard would fail.

	      New options basic_validation and
	      strong_validation to do a quick check of the code of a
	      module. (Mainly useful for code generators.)

	      The inline option was not recognized if it appeared in
	      a -compile() directive inside the module.

	      Corrected some bugs in the undocumented feature
	      "parameterized modules".

    OTP-5224  When the undocumented feature "parameterized modules" was
	      used, the ?MODULE macro did not work correctly.

--- erts ------------------------------------------------------------

    OTP-5203  The ethread library was unnecessarily rebuilt multiple times
	      during the build process, also a debug version of the library
	      was build during the install phase. These unnecessary builds
	      have now been removed. Note, the content of the installed
	      Erlang/OTP system is not effected at all by this change.

    OTP-5211  The emulator could fail to clear the memory segment cache.
	      This could potentially cause memory allocation to
	      unnecessarily fail when memory usage was close to its
	      maximum. This bug has now been fixed.

    OTP-5216  std_alloc (std short for standard) was sometimes called
	      def_alloc (def short for default). std_alloc is now
	      everywhere refered to as std_alloc.

    OTP-5217  A documentation bug has been corrected in the erts_alloc(3)
	      documentation. It was stated that some of the memory
	      allocators present were by default disabled. This is true for
	      Erlang/OTP R9C, but is not true for Erlang/OTP R10B. In R10B
	      all memory allocators present are enabled by default.

    OTP-5221  The emulator now closes all open files and sockets immediately
	      after receiving an USR1 signal. This causes the emulator to
	      unregister at epmd as early as possible.

    OTP-5229  Try/catch support in the emulator slightly updated.

    OTP-5209  If one used select/3 and select/1 on a non-fixed table and
	      deleted objects simultaneously, the emulator could crash.
	      Note that the result of such simultaneous operations on
	      tables that are not in a fixed state is still undefined, but
	      the emulator crash is, needless to say, fixed.

    OTP-5233  Arithmetic with big numbers could crash the emulator.
	      The HiPE native code compiler and run-time code in the
	      emulator has been updated. (Note: Native code is still not
	      supported.) Eliminated a few bugs that could crash the
	      hybrid emulator (which is not supported).

    OTP-5210, You can now start Erlang with the -remsh flag which gives you a
    OTP-5248  remote initial shell instead of a local one. Example: erl
	      -sname this_node -remsh other_node@REDACTED

--- hipe ------------------------------------------------------------

    OTP-5233  The HiPE native code compiler and run-time code in the
	      emulator has been updated. (Note: Native code is still not
	      supported.) Eliminated a few bugs that could crash the
	      hybrid emulator (which is not supported).
--- kernel ------------------------------------------------------------

    OTP-5208  The documentation for the auth:open/1 function which
	      no longer exists has been removed. (Thanks to Miguel

    OTP-5212  If /etc/hosts specified two hosts with the same IP address
	      (on separate lines), only the last host would be registered
	      by inet_db during inet configuration. This has been corrected
	      now so that both aliases are registered with the same IP

    OTP-5214  The top level group leader used to be listed as job #1 in the
	      job list in JCL mode. Since there is no shell associated with
	      this process that can be connected to, it will no longer be

    OTP-5218  The possibility to start the erlang shell in parallell with
	      the rest of the system has been reintroduced for backwards
	      compatibility. Note that this old behaviour is error prone
	      and should not be used unless for some reason necessary.

    OTP-5222  The documentation for BIFs that take I/O lists have been
	      clarified. Those are list_to_binary/1,
	      port_command/2, port_control/3.

	      Documentation for all is_* BIFs (such as is_atom/1)
	      has been added.

	      Removed the documentation for
	      erlang:float_to_binary/2 which was removed from the
	      run-time system several releases ago.

    OTP-5226  The shell commands rr/1,2,3 now accepts
	      wildcards when reading record definitions from BEAM files.

    OTP-5227  Corrected the crc32/3 function in the undocumented and
	      unsupported zlib module.
--- megaco ------------------------------------------------------------

    OTP-5193  Minor error handling improvement to the text encoder.

    OTP-5186  The megaco text codec failed to properly encode a message 
	      containing no or an empty terminationAudit list or 
	      possibly a terminationAudit list with only an "empty" 
	      emptyDescriptor (e.g. an AuditDescriptor without any 
	      values; auditToken is either asn1_NOVALUE or []). 
	      This effected AmmsReply and auditOther (AuditResult) and 
	      both v1 and v2.

    OTP-5201  Version 2 codec corrections: Incorrectly transformed 
	      (encoded and decoded) IndAudStreamDescriptor (binary), 
	      encoded IndAudMediaDescriptor and IndAudStreamDescriptor 
	      (text). Incorrectly decoded IndAudMediaDescriptor (text).

--- pman ------------------------------------------------------------

    OTP-5191  The pman 'trace shell' functionality was broken as has now
	      been fixed. Furthermore, pman could not correctly find the
	      pid of the active shell if more than one shell process was
	      running on the node. This has also been corrected.

--- snmp ------------------------------------------------------------

    OTP-5187  [agent] Added functions to get a list of all mibs loaded 
	      into an agent (see snmpa:which_mibs) and to get the (full 
	      path) file name of a loaded mib (see snmpa:whereis_mib). 

    OTP-5196  [manager] The wrong default value (1024) was used for the 
	      net-if option recbuf. If no value is specified, then the 
	      OS default shall be used.
	      Improvements and new features:

    OTP-5242  [manager] When the net_if process failed to send a message,
	      for whatever reason, this is just dropped. And the user is 
	      "left hanging". Now, if the request is syncroneous, it will
	      return with a proper reason (see snmpm:g, snmpm:gn and 
	      snmpm:s), and if the request was asynchroneous, the new 
	      callback function, handle_error (see snmpm_user) is called.
	      Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions:

    OTP-5225  [manager] The arguments CtxName and Port was swapped in 
	      the function snmpm:g/6.

    OTP-5241  [manager] TRAP receive failes for unknown agent due to 
	      failing message size calculation.

    OTP-5242  [manager] Introduced a new callback function in the 
	      behaviour snmpm_user.

--- stdlib ------------------------------------------------------------

    OTP-5213  The man page for the lists module has been updated
	      with decscription of the new zip, unzip, and
	      partition/2 functions (introduced in R10B-1).

    OTP-5214  The top level group leader used to be listed as job #1 in the
	      job list in JCL mode. Since there is no shell associated with
	      this process that can be connected to, it will no longer be

    OTP-5218  The possibility to start the erlang shell in parallell with
	      the rest of the system has been reintroduced for backwards
	      compatibility. Note that this old behaviour is error prone
	      and should not be used unless for some reason necessary.

    OTP-5226  The shell commands rr/1,2,3 now accepts
	      wildcards when reading record definitions from BEAM files.

    OTP-5209  If one used select/3 and select/1 on a non-fixed table and
	      deleted objects simultaneously, the emulator could crash.
	      Note that the result of such simultaneous operations on
	      tables that are not in a fixed state is still undefined, but
	      the emulator crash is, needless to say, fixed.

Björn Gustavsson, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB

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