
Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@REDACTED
Fri May 14 12:22:09 CEST 2004

bry@REDACTED wrote:

>yeah, it is the socket module giving me 
>problems. can you tell me where the gen_tcp 
>module is located at.
the easiest way to find out about an erlang module (one such as gen_tcp 
that is included in the distribution, that is) is to use the 
automatically generated search page for the Erlang man pages. created by 
matthias l and available at http://www.corelatus.com/~matthias/modules.html.
this page is one of my 4 bookmarks. i use it a lot. it is very good.

if you want the patch rejected by mr amstrong (something which should, 
at the very least, make you think twice about applying it :-) i have 
included it below.


*** /home/eleberg/www_tools-1.0/url.erl    Fri Mar 14 10:14:50 1997
--- url.erl    Fri May 14 12:06:33 2004
*** 67,107 ****
      get_http(IP, Port, URL, [], Timeout).
  get_http(IP, Port, URL, Opts, Timeout) ->
-     socket:start(),
      %% io:format("ip = ~p, port = ~p, url = ~p~n", [ IP, Port, URL]),
      Cmd = ["GET ", URL, " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", Opts, "\r\n\r\n"],
      %% io:format("Cmd=~p\n", [Cmd]),
      %% io:format("url_server: fetching ~p ~p ~p~n", [IP, Port, URL]),
!     case catch 
socket:client('STREAM','AF_INET',{IP,Port},{binary_packet,0}) of
!     {'EXIT', Why} ->
!         %% io:format("Socket exit:~p~n", [Why]),
!         {error, {socket_exit, Why}};
      {error, Why} ->
          %% io:format("Socket error:~p~n", [Why]),
          {error, {socket_error, Why}};
!     Socket ->
!         %% io:format("Socket = ~p~n", [Socket]),
!         Socket ! {self(), {deliver, Cmd}},
          receive_data(Socket, Timeout, list_to_binary([]))
  receive_data(Socket, Timeout, Bin) ->
!     receive
!     {Socket, {fromsocket, B}} ->
!         io:format(".", []),
!         receive_data(Socket, Timeout, concat_binary([Bin,B]));
!     {Socket, {socket_closed, _}} ->
!         Data0 = binary_to_list(Bin),
!         %% io:format("Here:~p~n", [Data0]),
!         {Data1, Info} = get_header(Data0, []),
!         Bin1 = list_to_binary(Data1),
!         {ok, Bin1};
      Other ->
!         {error, {socket, Other}}
!     after
!         Timeout ->
!         {error, timeout}
!     end.
  get_header([$\r,$\n | T], Info) ->
      header_end(T, Info);
--- 67,103 ----
      get_http(IP, Port, URL, [], Timeout).
  get_http(IP, Port, URL, Opts, Timeout) ->
      %% io:format("ip = ~p, port = ~p, url = ~p~n", [ IP, Port, URL]),
      Cmd = ["GET ", URL, " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", Opts, "\r\n\r\n"],
      %% io:format("Cmd=~p\n", [Cmd]),
      %% io:format("url_server: fetching ~p ~p ~p~n", [IP, Port, URL]),
!     case gen_tcp:connect(IP, Port,
!         [binary, {packet,0}, {active, false}]) of
      {error, Why} ->
          %% io:format("Socket error:~p~n", [Why]),
          {error, {socket_error, Why}};
!     {ok, Socket} ->
!         %io:format("Cmd = ~p~n", [Cmd]),
!         ok = gen_tcp:send( Socket, Cmd ),
          receive_data(Socket, Timeout, list_to_binary([]))
  receive_data(Socket, Timeout, Bin) ->
!     case gen_tcp:recv( Socket, 0, Timeout ) of
!     {error, closed} ->
!         gen_tcp:close( Socket ),
!         Data0 = binary_to_list(Bin),
!         %io:format("Here:~p~n", [Data0]),
!         {Data1, Info} = get_header(Data0, []),
!         %io:format("There:~p~n~p~n", [Data1, Info]),
!         Bin1 = list_to_binary(Data1),
!         {ok, Bin1};
!     {ok, B} ->
!         %io:format(".", []),
!         receive_data(Socket, Timeout, concat_binary([Bin,B]));
      Other ->
!         {error, {receive_data, Other}}
!     end.
  get_header([$\r,$\n | T], Info) ->
      header_end(T, Info);

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