Mnesia: Load sharing and redundancy

Erlang Questions erlang@REDACTED
Mon Mar 8 16:19:33 CET 2004

Hi, I want to implement load sharing without loosing redundancy.
Can anyone give me an example on how to fragment and replicate a Mnesia database to have this implemented?
I mean referencing, how many nodes, machines and fragments. And the distribution of them.

For example I figure that  this could be a good solution, isn't it?

Two nodes in one machine and two other nodes in another machine. Nodes A and B in machine M1, nodes C and D in machine M2.

All DB tables fragmented in two fragments one fragment resident at node A, and one fragment at node C (then we use M1 and M2 machines to have load sharing).

This implementation replicated as follows: fragments at node A replicated at node D, and fragments at node C replicated at node B (then we have cross replicas - M1 fragments with M2 ones).
See attachment for representation.

I would apreciate your answer very much, to have my DB implemented as soon as possible.
Thanks, Carlos E. Silva.-
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