file: module and character special files

Wed Mar 3 13:43:43 CET 2004

On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 09:15:21AM -0500, Shawn Pearce wrote:
> Its quite unfortunate that this has happened, but I can't say I blame
> them.  It most likely occurred because whoever wrote the code forgot
> UNIX offers other file types, and originally just tested for regular
> file and directory types, returning {error, eisdir}.  

The irony here (reflecting on my previous sarcastic post)
is that the _one_ above is probably me. I wrote the original file driver.
What was once an idiotic little shit bug, is now a cast-in-stone-


Claes Wikstrom                        -- Caps lock is nowhere and                  -- everything is under control          

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