Mnesia Speed Optimization
Younès HAFRI
Tue Jan 20 09:31:57 CET 2004
Hi All,
First thank you for your answers.
I want to share with you my last 3 days optimization and benchmarking
to speed up my database.
I've decide to comptely move my server from Mnesia table to a pur ETS table
and I've decide to benchmark all "ets" fonction for reading a tuple.
The result was incredible ;-) .
(of course, this results dependant hugely on the size of the inserted tuple)
My box config: PC 966Mhz, 512Mo, Suse8.2
1. Using ets:match() with LIMIT = 1:
Mnesia:dirty_read() 23.2 seconds ------------> ets:match() to 8.61 seconds.
2. Using ets:match_object () with LIMIT = 1 :
Mnesia:dirty_read() 23.2 seconds ------------> ets:match_object() to
8.30 seconds.
3. Using ets:member () :
Mnesia:dirty_read() 23.2 seconds ------------> ets:match() to 4.21 seconds.
4. Using ets:member () :
Mnesia:dirty_read() 23.2 seconds ------------> ets:match() to 4.09 seconds.
This is the best function:
add_free(UrlList) ->
lists:foreach(fun (Name) ->
case ets:lookup(url, Name) of
[] -> ets:insert(url, {Name, 0});
_ -> ok
end, UrlList),
After that, I set some options to a highest value :
{min_heap_size, ?HEAP_SIZE}, % where ?HEAP_SIZE equals 2*MAXIMUM TUPLES
(2 millions)
{priority, high},
{fullsweep_after, 40}
This give me a response under 4 seconds (3.81 seconds in average). If
you set the ?HEAP_SIZE more than 2*MAXIMUM TUPLES,
this not change anything (for me of course).
A few changes in the architecture offer me 80% of speed up. ;-)
Any other suggestions????
Ulf Wiger wrote:
> Hello Younès,
> Your chances of receiving help will increase tremendously if
> you subscribe to the erlang-questions@REDACTED list. (:
> In this case, the linear behaviour is what can be expected at best.
> The thing you can do is to try to reduce the cost of each iteration.
> The cheapest way to check whether a record exists is to use
> ets:member/2. This will not work if the table is on disk only,
> or if there is no local copy. mnesia:dirty_read/1 always works.
> Example:
> (test@REDACTED)3>
> mnesia:create_table(table_index,[{type,set},{ram_copies,[node()]},{attributes,[key,value]}]).
> {atomic,ok}
> (test@REDACTED)4> [mnesia:dirty_write({table_index,K,value}) || K <-
> lists:seq(1,10)].
> [ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok]
> (test@REDACTED)5> ets:member(table_index,5).
> true
> (test@REDACTED)6> ets:member(table_index,50).
> false
> You shouldn't under any circumstances use ets:insert/2 against a mnesia
> table, and never mix dirty_write/1 with transactions. Whether it's safe
> to use ets read operations and dirty_read/1 on a mnesia table depends
> on your application, but that's the optimization possibility I can
> see in this case.
> Your function then becomes:
> insert_if_not_exists(ListOfRecords) ->
> lists:foreach(
> fun(Record) ->
> case ets:member(table_index, Record) of
> true -> ok;
> false ->
> mnesia:dirty_write(...)
> end
> end, ListOfRecords).
> Regards,
> Ulf Wiger
> On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 13:55:03 +0100, Younès HAFRI <yhafri@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a great optimization problem with Mnesia.
>> My database is not replicated and its works in the local node.
>> I want to write records if its not already exists in the database.
>> For example:
>> insert_if_not_exists(aaaa) -> ok
>> insert_if_not_exists(bbbb) -> ok
>> insert_if_not_exists(cccc) -> ok
>> insert_if_not_exists(aaaa) -> no insertion (already exists)
>> insert_if_not_exists(dddd) -> ok
>> ....
>> I've a huge list of records, 1 million exactlly. And this is my
>> "insert if not exists" function:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> insert_if_not_exists(ListOf Records) ->
>> lists:foreach(fun (Record) ->
>> case mnesia:dirty_read({table_index,
>> Record}) of
>> [] ->
>> mnesia:dirty_write(#table_index{field1= Record});
>> [Exists] -> ok
>> end
>> end, ListOf Records).
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> This is some results:
>> insertion of 10000 records take 0.02 seconds in average
>> insertion of 10000 records take 0.19 seconds in average
>> insertion of 100000 records take 2.27 seconds in average
>> insertion of 1 million records take 23.2 seconds in average
>> The insertion time is linear but too much for 1 million records.
>> Could you help me to speed up this function please??
>> Is there a method (parameters to set) to tune Mnesia.
>> I need help really!!!
>> Thank you in advance
>> Best Regards
>> Younès
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