ex11 - performance issues
Joe Armstrong
Wed Jan 14 11:40:20 CET 2004
Brain dump 2
ex11 appears to be *faster* than kde for GUIs stuff -
1) Start top and ex11
2) click on the "show file" demo
3) zap the scrollbar up and down until I get 20% CPU load
for the X server
4) Note the beam CPU usage
1) X server CPU c. 20%
2) beam CPU usage c. 6%
5) make a shell window the same size as the ex11 text window
6) repeat step 3 in the shell
1) X server CPU usage c. 20%
2) kdeinit CPU c. 10%
1) the X server is the bottleneck (easy to see)
2) ex11 is faster than kde :-)
How can 2) be correct? I suspect the answer lies in some context switching or
locking that occurs in the C code.
Interestingly, the performance of X is limited by the host OS
context switching rate. So in sync mode I could do 4,500 request/sec
on my 400 MHz Celerion but 12,000 in async mode :-)
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