Tariff Table - Tuple Key Pattern Matching

Sean Hinde sean.hinde@REDACTED
Mon Jan 5 22:41:41 CET 2004

On 3 Jan 2004, at 00:20, Inswitch Solutions - Erlang Evaluation wrote:

> I hope someone can give as some help about this issue. We are trying 
> to optimizemnesiaaccess time, to phone tariff tables.
> This tariff tables, have about 4000 entries each.
>  The index is a tuplekey as follows:

> {“Tariff_Table_Name”,”Prefix”}


We use an enhanced version of the contrib by Klacke for such digit 

I make no apology for the beauty (or absence of such ..) of my 
enhancements, but it is pretty fast and had the benefit of different 
types of digit search and analysis.

We have ended up with two modules which do this - one is derived from 
the other, but the more generic (num_anal) has a problem with deleting 
parts of analysis trees which I fixed in bw_list.erl.

If you successfully port the delete fixes from bw_list.erl to 
num_anal.erl perhaps you might let me have the results :)

And there is actually some basic documentation - wow was I keen that 


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