gen_serial-0.1 release out

Shawn Pearce spearce@REDACTED
Wed Feb 25 08:19:39 CET 2004

FWIW, I have a (what appears to be) working serial port driver for
Windows.  I plan to have UNIX support within a few days.

Code is covered by the EPL, so those of you looking for a Windows driver
might want to check the code out.  It should remain under active
development for quite a while now, as I need it for another project I'm
starting to work on.

If you run the 8 bit clean test case, you'll need to make sure
networking is enabled on your node (-sname).  It uses rpc to startup
the peer automatically, even if the peer is local.  I neglected to
note this in the docs, but the test case is pretty easy to read.

Feedback would be appreciated.  I hope to have 0.2 ready in a few days.


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