Joe Armstrong (AL/EAB)
Wed Dec 29 09:45:42 CET 2004
I have found an interesting bug - to illustrate it here are two modules bug.erl and bug1.erl
If you compile bug.erl and evaluate bug:module_info() you'll see what gets exported from bug.erl - so
far so good.
Now compile and run bug1.erl - bug1.erl calls bug:c() but there is no routine called c/0 in bug.erl
Then evauate bug:module_info() again - look at the exports - bug.erl now mysteriously exports c/0.
So calling a routine which does not exist has the side effect of corrupting the module_info() data in
an already loaded module - ooops :-)
Happy New Year
Here's a fun bug:
--- bug.erl
a() ->
---- bug1.erl
b() ->
Compile bug and llook at what is exported
Eshell V5.4 (abort with ^G)
1> c(bug).
2> bug:module_info().
Compile and run bug1
3> c(bug1).
4> bug1:b().
** exited: {undef,[{bug,c,[]},
{shell,eval_loop,3}]} **
Now look at what is exported from module bug
5> bug:module_info().
c/0 now appears to be exported from bug !!!
Happy Christmas
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