Guard test pid/1 allows invalid Pid into spawned program
Roger Price
Wed Dec 15 15:59:42 CET 2004
I wrote function test/0 to spawn another process and run function
hello/1 in that process. hello/1 does nothing but print a debugging
message which displays the current processes.
I tested this by entering test:test() on the command line - all went well
and the expected debugging messages were written. I also ran the test
using apply(test,test,[]) and all went well again.
Finally I ran spawn(test,test,[]) and argument passed to function hello/1
The Pid which I pass to hello/1 as an argument, is invalid even though I
have a guard test pid/1, and the Pid satisfies it.
lists:member(Pid,processes()) gives true before and after the spawn but
false within the spawned program.
If I print hello/1's debug message twice, I see that the list of current
processes changes, with the argument absent from the second message.
I use R9C-1 on a 1GHz PC under SuSE Linux 8.1. I attach, with my
apologies for a long post, the functions test/0 and hello/1.
Here is a slightly edited trace of the test:
rprice@REDACTED:/tmp> erlc -W test.erl
rprice@REDACTED:/tmp> erlc -W hello.erl
rprice@REDACTED:/tmp> erl
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version [source] [hipe]
Eshell V5.3.6.2 (abort with ^G)
1> % apply/3 produces the correct output
1> apply(test,test,[]) .
test/0 opened LogStream. Processes:
checkPid 'LogStream before spawn' succeeds for pid <0.31.0>.
spawn(hello,hello,[<0.31.0>]) -> <0.32.0>.
checkPid 'LogStream after spawn' succeeds for pid <0.31.0>.
hello/1 starts with processes
hello/1 continues with processes
checkPid 'Spawned LogStream' succeeds for pid <0.31.0>.
2> % spawn/3 fails
2> spawn(test,test,[]) .
test/0 opened LogStream. Processes:
[...,<0.23.0>,<0.24.0>,<0.25.0>,<0.26.0>,<0.31.0>,<0.34.0>, <0.35.0>,<0.36.0>]
checkPid 'LogStream before spawn' succeeds for pid <0.35.0>.
spawn(hello,hello,[<0.35.0>]) -> <0.37.0>.
checkPid 'LogStream after spawn' succeeds for pid <0.35.0>.
hello/1 starts with processes
hello/1 continues with processes
checkPid 'Spawned LogStream' fails for pid <0.35.0>.
Note in the "spawn/3" test how <0.35.0> vanishes from the list of
processes, while hello/1 is running.
%% test.erl
test() ->
LogFile = '/tmp/hello.log',
{ok,LogStream} = file:open(LogFile,[append]),
pp("test/0 opened LogStream. Processes:"),
checkPid('LogStream before spawn',LogStream),
ProgPid = spawn(hello, hello, [LogStream]),
io:format("spawn(hello,hello,~p) -> ~p.~n", [[LogStream],ProgPid]),
checkPid('LogStream after spawn',LogStream),
ok .
%% Check that a given pid is for a known process.
checkPid(What,Pid) when atom(What), pid(Pid) ->
case lists:member(Pid,processes()) of
true -> io:format("checkPid ~p succeeds for pid ~p.~n",
_ -> io:format("checkPid ~p fails for pid ~p.~n",
checkPid(Bad1,Bad2) ->
io:format("Error in pint:checkPid(~p,~p)~n", [Bad1,Bad2]),
exit('checkPid') .
%% Not very pretty printer for processes.
pp(Prefix) -> io:format("~s [~s]~n", [Prefix,ppPr(processes())]) .
ppPr([]) -> "";
ppPr([P]) -> io_lib:format("~p", [P]);
ppPr([P|Ps]) -> io_lib:format("~p,~s", [P,ppPr(Ps)]) .
%% End of module test
%% hello.erl
hello(LogStream) when pid(LogStream) ->
test:pp("hello/1 starts with processes"),
test:pp("hello/1 continues with processes"),
test:checkPid('Spawned LogStream',LogStream),
yessir .
%% End of module hello
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