Finding unique elements of a list

Joe Armstrong joe@REDACTED
Fri Dec 3 14:37:27 CET 2004

The optimization leads to (with renaming)

unique(Xs) ->

remove_consequative([H,H|T]) ->
remove_consequative([H|T]) ->
remove_consequative([]) ->

   (Now this is  the way I wrote  this years ago - seems  like my brain
has an optimizing partical evaluator built-in).

   << extra prize - can you write a program which automatically transforms
the latter program to the former? >>

<<aside - question is this way of writing things even better
   or is the compiler smart enough to recognise that [H|T] does
not need rebuilding?

remove_consequative([H,X=[H|T]]) ->
remove_consequative([H|T]) ->
remove_consequative([]) ->



On Thu, 2 Dec 2004, Thomas Lindgren wrote:

> Here is a straightforward version with good O(.):
> first sort the list, then drop consecutive duplicates.
> Complexity is given by the sort (assuming unit cost of
> comparing elements). O(N log N), presumably?
> unique(Xs) ->
>    rem_dups(lists:sort(Xs)).
> rem_dups([X|Xs]) ->
>    [X|drop(X, Xs)];
> rem_dups([]) ->
>    [].
> drop(X, [X|Xs]) ->
>    drop(X, Xs);
> drop(X, Ys) ->
>    rem_dups(Ys).
> The code above seems to work, but could be optimized
> further; which is left as an exercise to the reader.
> Best,
> Thomas
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