qlc debug statements

ernie.makris@REDACTED ernie.makris@REDACTED
Thu Dec 2 20:25:14 CET 2004

Hello fellow erlangers,

I was playing around with qlc against an ets table and saw the following debug statements being printed:

prep match_spec 2 Opt = {qlc_opt,false,false,-1}

I looked inside qlc.erl and found: 

prep_qlc_lc({single_v1, QFun, CodeF, Qdata0, _, MS, PosFun}, Opt, GOpt) ->
    %% Filter optional:
    [?qual_data(QNum, GoI_G, SI_G, {gen, LE_fun}) | Filter] = Qdata0, 
    #prepared{qh = LE0} = Prep = eval_le(LE_fun, GOpt),
    LuV = find_const_positions(LE0, PosFun, Opt),
    case LE0 of
        #qlc_table{trav_MS = true} when MS =/= no_match_spec, LuV =/= false ->
            io:format("prep match_spec 0 Opt = ~p~n", [Opt]),
            io:format("    lookup values ~p~n", [LuV]),
            io:format("    match spec ~p~n", [MS]),
            LE = LE0#qlc_table{lu_vals = LuV, ms = MS},
            may_create_simple(Opt, Prep#prepared{qh = LE});
        #qlc_table{} when LuV =/= false ->
            io:format("prep match_spec 1 Opt = ~p~n", [Opt]),
            io:format("    lookup values ~p~n", [LuV]),
            Prep1 = Prep#prepared{qh = LE0#qlc_table{lu_vals = LuV}},
            Qdata = [?qual_data(QNum, GoI_G, SI_G, {gen, Prep1}) | Filter],
            prep_qlc(QFun, CodeF, Qdata, Opt);
        #qlc_table{trav_MS = true} when MS =/= no_match_spec ->
            io:format("prep match_spec 2 Opt = ~p~n", [Opt]),
            may_create_simple(Opt, Prep#prepared{qh = LE0#qlc_table{ms = MS}});
        #qlc_list{l = []} ->
            io:format("pre match_spec empty list~n"),
            may_create_simple(Opt, Prep);
        #qlc_list{ms = no_match_spec} when MS =/= no_match_spec ->
            io:format("pre match_spec list no_match_spec~n"),
            may_create_simple(Opt, Prep#prepared{qh = LE0#qlc_list{ms = MS}});
        #qlc_list{} when MS =/= no_match_spec ->
            io:format("pre match_spec list match_spec~n"),
            ListMS = #qlc_list{l = Prep, ms = MS},
            may_create_simple(Opt, #prepared{qh = ListMS, is_cached = true});
        _ ->
            io:format("pre match_spec qlc~n"),
            Qdata = [?qual_data(QNum, GoI_G, SI_G, {gen, Prep}) | Filter],
            prep_qlc(QFun, CodeF, Qdata, Opt)

Can this be removed in the next version?


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