exported variables (was: RE: How to make GS Widgets)

Tony Rogvall tony@REDACTED
Fri Apr 16 16:13:11 CEST 2004

fredagen den 16 april 2004 kl 08.22 skrev Cedric Shock:

> Richard O'Keefe and Ulf Wiger,
> Thank you for your suggestions of improved coding style. This is my 
> first week of erlang programming, or even functional programming (I 
> started by reading Concurrent Programming in Erlang a week ago). I am 
> still strugling through documentation with almost everything I do. I 
> like the style
> {Red,Green,Blue} = case SuppliedColor of
>                         {_,_,_} -> SuppliedColor;
>                          _       -> {0,0,0}
>                    end
> For its brevity and the way it makes the purpose of the code clear. I 
> have been bothered by the weekness of my quards, but I do not know how 
> to make them stronger. How can I put gaurds on the values of members 
> of tuples? For example, I would like the SuppliedColor to be integers 
> in the range [0, 255]. How could I write this guard clause? Is this 
> the right thing to do?
> {Red,Green,Blue} = case SuppliedColor of
>                         {TestRed,TestGreen,TestBlue} when
>                           is_integer(TestRed),
>                           is_integer(TestGreen),
>                           is_integer(TestBlue),
>                           TestRed =< 255, TestRed => 0,
>                           TestGreen =< 255, TestGreen => 0,
>                           TestBlue =< 255, TestBlue => 0,  ->
>                             SuppliedColor;
>                         _ ->
>                             {0,0,0}
>                    end
The above test is ok (except that you write >= not => in Erlang)
An other version I like is to check all at once :-) the band/bor/bnot 
bitwise operators.

     case SuppliedColor of
	{R,G,B} when (R bor G bor B) band (bnot 255) == 0 ->
	_ ->


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